An activist is a person who campaigns for some kind of social change. When you participate in a march protesting the closing of a neighborhood library, you’re an activist. Someone who’s actively involved in a protest or a political or social cause can be called an activist.

A revolutionist is someone who wants to change the world — not just sitting around talking about it, but actually doing something to bring about change.

Active Revolutionist

Willie Lynch

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What do you expect, from the oppressed nigga?

If only you knew, from his God, it was just a test

For him to pass, so to become that much bigger

Yes X-slave, x-rayed, inside out, into Malcom X

Up out of that, into the real, Malik el-Shabazz

See, as we live of what we give to a noble cause

They lie about the 4th July , and about the past

And you hear, see, say nothing, about what was:

The Red, White & Blue, on this day was she born

The Wild, Wild West, stole and murdered Africa

The anxiety trying to survive while they scorn

The Truth, Islam like the Sun, rising in America

Joe Biden is just there, no more United Snakes

It is X’d, it’s gone, the prophecy is now fulfilled

That was over with Obama, We’re living a lie today

This X-Slave is telling it all now, before I am killed

Truth to Power is the only way ever to defeat it

Wake up damn it! what the fuck! their false gods

What do you expect, from the oppressed nigga?

If only you knew, from his God, to expose fraud

Wipe it out in order to become that much bigger

Back into the X, yes X-slave, x-rayed, inside out,

Up out of that, into the real, Raheem Muhammad

Mimicking the Prophets, Slaves of Allah, no doubt

This side or that, is the choice you have to make

Or you can straddle the fence above the Hell

You know what’s true, what’s real and what’s fake

If not X it out, study real hard until you can tell.

What do you expect, from the oppressed nigga?

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